II International Conference for Students of Music Therapy – Poland, 25-26.05

The Music Therapy Students Scientific Circle kindly invites you to the


II International Conference for Students of Music Therapy


The conference will take place at the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław between 25th and 26th of May 2011. This year we would like to invite a representative of each music therapy centre to present one workshop about the field of music therapy which is the most developed in ones centre and one paper about its activity. It will give us a chance to share experience with various centers of music therapy in Poland and abroad. We offer you participation in interesting workshops and student’s integration with a big dose of music J


• active participation

Everyone willing to make a presentation is asked to fill the form provided on our website www.muzykoterapia.wroclaw.pl and send it to kongres.mt@gmail.com before 22th of April 2011. There is no payment for active participants. The number of presentations is limited.

• passive participation

Everyone willing to participate in the event is asked to fill the form provided on our website www.muzykoterapia.wroclaw.pl and send it to kongres.mt@gmail.com before 29th of April 2011.

We also ask to make a payment which is 8 euro before 29th of April 2011. Please make a postscript: II International Conference for Students of Music Therapy.

Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Lipinskiego we Wrocławiu
Pl. Jana Pawła II nr 2
50-043 Wrocław
Bank Zachodni WBK SA
The IBAN: PL40 1090 2398 0000 0001 0205 0428



It is possible to book hotel accommodation near to pl. Jana Pawła II where the conference will take place. To do so please contact one of the hotel from the list below.

• DOM TURYSTYCZNY TRIO, ul. Trzemeska 4,6,8, phone number: +48 71 355 94 46, e-mail: trzemeska@puhot.pl, www.puhot.pl
• DOM TURYSTYCZNY SOLO, ul. Kwiska 1/3, phone number: +48 71 351 70 11, e-mail: kwiska@puhot.pl, www.puhot.pl
• BOOGIE HOSTEL, ul. Ruska 35, phone number: +48 71 342 44 72, e-mail: hostel@boogiehostel.com, www.boogiehostel.com
• BOOGIE HOSTEL DELUX, ul. Białoskórnicza 6, phone number: +48 71 342 11 60, e-mail: wroclaw@boogiehostel.com, www.boogiehostel.com/deluxe
• CENTRUM HOSTEL, ul. Św. Mikołaja 16/17, phone number: +48 71 793 08 70, e-mail: hostelcentrum@o2.pl,  www.centrumhostel.pl
• ROYAL HOSTEL, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 27, phone number: +48 71 788 73 73, e-mail: recepcja@royalhostel.pl,  www.royalhostel.pl
• AVANGARDE HOSTEL, ul. Kościuszki 55, phone number: +48.71 341 07 38, e-mail: biuro@avantgardehostel.pl, www.avantgardehostel.pl



It is possible to have a lunch during the first and second day of the conference. If you are interested please make a payment which is 4 euro. Please make a postscript II International Conference for Students of Music Therapy.

Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Lipinskiego we Wrocławiu
Pl. Jana Pawła II nr 2
50-043 Wrocław
Bank Zachodni WBK SA
The IBAN: PL40 1090 2398 0000 0001 0205 0428




If you have any questions, please contact us at: kongres.mt@gmail.com

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