“Drama as Therapy” vol. I i II


red. Phil Jones

Drama as Therapy, volume II, wyd. Routledge

W lutym ukaże się druga część “Dramy jako terapii” pod redakcją światowej sławy Phila Jonesa.

Informacja wydawnicza:

How is dramatherapy practised? What does research reveal about how dramatherapy offers therapeutic change? This book examines the many ways clients and therapists explore the therapeutic possibilities of drama. Whilst the first volume combined theory, practice and research in the field, this second volume concentrates on clinical material from a range of contexts, with thorough description and analysis of therapeutic work.

Bringing together international contributors, chapters explore work with various client groups in an array of contexts, including:

  • work with clients with learning disabilities, dementia, HIV and cancer
  • work with children, adults, older adults, families and women’s groups
  • contexts including the justice system, education, family therapy and neurorehabilitation.

Drama as Therapy Volume 2: Clinical Work and Research into Practice is not only a welcome companion to the first volume, but also is an important stand alone work which will be of great interest to all those studying, practicing or with an interest in dramatherapy.

Jednocześnie informujemy, że pierwsza część z 2007 roku jest cały czas w sprzedazy.

“Drama as therapy” vol. I.

Phil Jones

Informacja wydawnicza:

This new edition of Drama as Therapy presents a coherent review of the practice and theory of Dramatherapy. With a unique combination of practical guidance, clinical examples and research vignettes this fully revised second edition considers developments in the field over the last decade and researches the impact of the ‘core processes’ on clinical practice.

The book shows how Dramatherapy can be used with a wide range of clients and applied to their individual needs. Therapists working in different parts of the world contribute examples of their practice, alongside their research interviews demonstrating the effectiveness of Dramatherapy. The book draws on studies ranging from child survivors of the tsunami in Sri Lanka to teenagers living with HIV in South Africa, from elderly clients dealing with psychosis in the UK to women in a refuge in Malaysia. Divided into four distinct sections it provides:

  • definitions of core processes at work in Dramatherapy
  • research into how Dramatherapists understand what they offer clients
  • clear descriptions of the structure and content of Dramatherapy
  • a wide range of clinical research vignettes from all over the world.

Drama as Therapy offers insights into how experienced Dramatherapists understand their work with clients. It will be of great interest to Dramatherapy students internationally, as well as professionals working with Dramatherapy.

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