Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych uczestniczeniem w treningu I stopnia w zakresie psychoterapii muzycznej metodą Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM). W treningu prowadzonych przez wybitnych specjalistów w tej dziedzinie – Leslie Bunt’a oraz Martina Lawes’a – mogą uczestniczyć muzykoterapeuci, arteterapeuci, psychoterapeuci. Wymagana jest znajomość języka angielskiego co najmniej na komunikatywnym poziomie.
Level 1 training in BMGIM can be taken either as a stand-alone course or as the first of three levels required to become a Fellow of the Association of Music and Imagery (FAMI) and practise the Bonny Method.
The training at level 1 consists of thirty-five hours of theoretical, practical and experiential tuition. It will be facilitated by AMI-approved Primary Trainers Leslie Bunt and Martin Lawes.
As a stand-alone CPD course, Level 1 BMGIM will:
give you a basic understanding of receptive techniques and the Bonny Method
equip you with simple music and imagery techniques that can be used across different music therapy settings
be a way to develop and deepen your relationship with music as musician-therapist
Those interested in the course may wish to read a therapist’s reflections on level 1 training recently published in Voices: a World Forum for Music Therapy: further information about BMGIM training please contact Leslie Bunt ( or Martin Lawes ( For details about the costs and to book a place, please contact Leslie Bunt.
“GIM has changed me and my thinking a lot. . . . I think the reason I shifted to GIM is that I found it to be the most life changing experience. If I explain it in terms of my own GIM experiences as a client, I would say that it was not the supposedly “therapeutic” elements of GIM, it was not the meaning of the images, it was not the relationship to the guide that was life changing. Those were all very important and certainly relevant to my psychotherapeutic needs, but what was life changing was the new relationship to music that I developed. This is what changed me both personally and professionally: it was a new ability to enter music in ways which were just absolutely unknown to me – as a performer and as an improviser“(Bruscia, K. E. & Stige, B. (2000). “The Nature of Meaning in Music Therapy: Kenneth Bruscia interviewed by Brynjulf Stige.” Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, Volume 9(2), 84-96).
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