SEMINARIUM MUZYKOTERAPEUTYCZNE “Różne oblicza muzykoterapii”

Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego zaprasza

SEMINARIUM MUZYKOTERAPEUTYCZNE “Różne oblicza muzykoterapii”

20-22 maja 2010 r.


Prof. Barbara L. Wheeler, PhD, MT-BC, Louisville

Wendy Magee, PhD, International Fellow in Music Therapy, Londyn

Dr Krzysztof Stachyra, UMCS Lublin

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Ludwika Konieczna lub, Tel. 507 797 171

Plan ramowy:

May 20, Thursday

10.00 – 11.30 Barbara Wheeler –  Music Therapy in Rehabilitation

12.00 – 13.30 Wendy Magee – Practical applications of Music Therapy in rehabilitation: Neurocommunication Disorders and Low Awareness States

13.30 – lunch break

15.00 – 16.30 Krzysztof Stachyra – The effectiveness of receptive music therapyprogramming in the development of university students’ emotional competence

17.00 – emotional painting – workshop

May 21, Friday

10.00 – 11. 30 Barbara Wheeler – Overview of research

12.00 – 13.30 Wendy Magee – Using electronic music technologies in Music Therapy

18.30 – departure to Rycerka

May 22 – Saturday. Rycerka

10.00 – 13.00 – Acquired Brain Injuries and Music Therapy: Recommendations from
Cochrane Review by B. Wheeler and W. Magee

– presented by Barbara Wheeler  – followed by practical skills workshop by W. Magee
– relax

May 23 – Sunday – departure back to Katowice

Uczestnictwo w części seminaryjnej jest nieodpłatne.

Udział w warsztatach i spotkaniu integracyjnym w Rycerce Górnej – 100 zł. (cena zawiera transport do Rycerki Górnej, dwa noclegi w warunkach turystycznych oraz pełne wyżywienie od kolacji 21 maja do śniadania 23 maja)

Wykładowcy / Presenters:

Barbara L. Wheeler, PhD, MT-BC has been Professor and Director of Music Therapy at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, since 2000, where she is honored as a University Scholar. She came to the UofL position after 25 years on the faculty of Montclair State University in New Jersey from where she received the designation of Professor Emerita. Dr. Wheeler has been active in music therapy since 1969 and her clinical work has been with children and adults with a variety of problems. She currently does clinical work on the Oncology Unit at Baptist East Hospital in Louisville. In addition to being a music therapist, she is a licensed psychologist in New York (license currently inactive).

Dr. Wheeler edited the book Music Therapy Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives, published in 1995, and Music Therapy Research, 2nd Edition, published in 2005. She coauthored (with Carol Shultis and Donna Polen) Clinical Training Guide for the Student Music Therapist. All of these books are published by Barcelona Publishers. Her research and writing has been published in the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy, The Arts in Psychotherapy, Psychology of Music, Rehabilitation Psychology, and Journal of Drug Education, as well as a number of edited books. A number of her publications have been translated to other languages. She serves and has served on several editorial boards including Journal of Music Therapy, British Journal of Music Therapy, Qualitative Inquiries in Music Therapy (monograph series), and is Discussion Coeditor for Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy. She served as Editor of Music Therapy: Journal of the American Association for Music Therapy. She was honored with the 1999 Publication and Research Award given by the American Music Therapy Association and the Service Award given by the Southeastern Region of AMTA in 2005.

Dr. Wheeler frequently speaks about music therapy both in the U.S. and abroad and is active in the international music therapy and qualitative music therapy research communities. She serves and has served as Examiner for degrees in music therapy from several institutions.

Wendy Magee PhD
International Fellow in Music Therapy

Wendy graduated in music therapy at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and proceeded to work as a music therapist in a variety of clinical areas, including adults with learning difficulties, elderly people, stroke rehabilitation and palliative care. She then came to London to undertake postgraduate study at the Royal College of Music in harpsichord performance and early music studies.

Wendy has worked as a music therapy clinician, researcher and manager at the RHN since 1990. Over this time, she has practised across a range of clinical areas with people with acquired brain injury, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis, neuro-behavioural disorders and Parkinson’s disease. She was awarded a doctorate from the Department of Music at the University of Sheffield for research into music therapy for adults with multiple sclerosis. She is recognised internationally as a clinical and research specialist in music therapy for people with complex neuro-disabilities. She has also completed training as a Fellow in Neurologic Music Therapy at the Robert F. Unkefer Academy at the Center for Biomedical Research in Music in the USA.

Wendy is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Palliative Care, Policy and Rehabilitation at King’s College London and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield in the Department of Music. She also holds Honorary Fellowships at City University (London) in the Department of Informatics, and at the University of Southampton in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences. Her previous academic appointments include course director for the MA in Music Therapy at the University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland and visiting lecturer at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Wendy teaches extensively in the UK and abroad on a regular basis and has taught on training courses in the US, Italy, Denmark, Ireland and Australia. She was Artist in Residence at Berklee College of Music in Boston in 2007.

Wendy is currently Chairperson of the British Society for Music Therapy and is also actively involved in various professional activities for the Association of Professional Music Therapists (APMT) in the areas of policy development, research and professional development. She previously represented the APMT and other arts therapies on the Research Forum for the Allied Health Professions and was inaugural Chair of the APMT CPD Committee, as well as being involved in wider AHP CPD projects.

Dr Krzysztof Stachyra

Muzykoterapeuta, nauczyciel wychowania muzycznego, doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie pedagogiki (specjalność terapia pedagogiczna). Absolwent Uniwersytetu im. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Podyplomowych Studiów Muzykoterapii w Akademii Muzycznej we Wrocławiu oraz Programu ESL w North Park University w Chicago, USA. Pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny w Zakładzie Muzykoterapii i Edukacji Muzycznej UMCS w Lublinie.

Dr Krzysztof Stachyra pełni funkcję Przewodniczącego Zarządu Głównego Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Terapii Przez Sztukę, jest także członkiem Stowarzyszenia Muzykoterapeutów Polskich. Od 2001 roku aktywnie współpracuje z Amerykańskim Stowarzyszeniem Muzykoterapeutów (AMTA). W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat odbył staże naukowe w kilku ośrodkach zagranicznych, w Centrum Terapii Dzieci Autystycznych Giant Steps w USA, Creative Exchange Music Therapy Clinic w Westchester (USA), The Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Center w Londynie. W 2007 roku na zaproszenie Clive Robbins’a, współtwórcy muzykoterapii kreatywnej, wizytował New York University oraz Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy w Nowym Jorku. W tym samym roku ukończył trening I-go stopnia w metodzie Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) w Therapeutic Arts Institute w Chicago (drugi stopień uzyskał w 2009 w Irlandii).
Od 2008 roku jest współredaktorem międzynarodowego journalu muzykoterapeutów “Voices” wydawanego przez Uniwersytet Bergen w Norwegii.

Jest autorem wielu artykułów naukowych z dziedziny muzykoterapii oraz książek: „Publikacje polskojęzyczne przydatne w muzykoterapii dzieci. Przewodnik” (Lublin, 2001), „Muzykoterapia i wizualizacja w rozwijaniu kompetencji emocjonalnych studentów pedagogiki”, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2009 oraz współautorem „Muzykoterapia i terapia przez sztuki plastyczne w piśmiennictwie polskojęzycznym”, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2007.

  1. WOY at 13:03

    najbardziej żałują ci, którzy zajmują się arteterapią a nie znają wystarczająco języka angielskiego i nie mogli uczestniczyć w Seminarium …….. może organizatorzy w przyszłości wezmą pod uwagę tych, którzy biegle w mowie i piśmie władają językiem polskim.

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